Friday, January 06, 2006

BuffMother! Diet Basics

BuffMother! Diet Basics:

I have tried and failed on the following diets: low fat/high carb, Atkins, Zone, Body For Life, the apple diet, the cabbage soup diet, slim fast, the diabetic diet, and the food pyramid. The results and side effects of each were just not worth the pain. But, the diet I have successfully followed over the last 2 years is flexible, satisfying and very effective. I believe I have found the diet keys to being buff 365 days a year! It is the BuffMother Diet.

Main key points: Protein, Water and Planning

The focus of my diet is simple. Eat enough protein and drink enough water and you will be successful. Oh yeah one last component- planning. I am talking about hunger planning. Don’t eat if you don’t have true hunger pains. The #1 problem with obesity today is that people are eating for every reason, except that they are truly hungry.

Protein, Water and Hunger Planning. It is that simple!

How much Protein?

Eat your goal bodyweight in grams of protein daily. I want to weight 125; therefore I want to eat 125g of protein a day. Each gram of protein has 4 calories, so I should have at least 600 calories a day from protein. And remember that calories from protein require about 1 calorie per gram to digest, so think more like 3 calories per gram of protein!

Ways to succeed in eating your protein:

  1. Always have it handy and quick to eat: boiled eggs, cooked chicken breast, canned chicken, tuna and salmon, beef jerky, deli meat, etc.
  2. When planning your meal think protein first, next green veggies and lastly carbs.
  3. Find a good protein supplement and use it. My staples are a good vanilla, chocolate and fruit flavored protein. I usually mix it in just water and a couple scoops at a time (40g). It is a quick easy way to keep my protein intake on track.

How much Water?

As much water as you can possibly drink: the more, the better. You will feel better and lose your fat faster if you have a lot of water. Your body is almost all water. The more muscle you have and the more protein you eat, the more water your body needs. In order to flush all the toxins out of your cells there must be a lot of water available. If you need an amount I would say 1 to 2 gallons a day.

Ways to succeed in drinking your water:

  1. Keep water bottles in you car
  2. Keep water on your desk, by your refrigerator, and by your sink
  3. Drink it don’t sip it. Aim for 10 big gulps every time you drink.
  4. If you get up in the middle of the night, slam a bunch of water.
  5. Drink it immediately in the morning
  6. Always drink water during your workouts

How much Hunger Planning?

I only want you to eat when you have true hunger pains. This means you need to tune into your body and let it tell you when it truly needs to eat. There is no magic time limit between meals, however the average is 3 hours. If you feel hunger pains, follow these three steps of hunger planning:

  1. Drink an 8 oz. glass of water.
  2. Wait 10 min. to see if those pains persist.
  3. If so, simply eat. If not, wait until the pains return and then eat.

This way you will learn to tune into your physical needs for food vs. the mental need.

What else do I eat????

A healthy diet is the goal. Don’t ever embark on a diet that you can’t see doing the rest of your life. My philosophy is to constantly strive for improvement in regards to the balance, nutrition and portion size of my diet.

About 30% Carbohydrate

That is between 3-4 servings of carbs a day. Plenty for your energy and nutritional needs. Have a carb at breakfast, pre workout and post workout and then one more throughout the day.

About 30% Fat

I know many of you think that you need to cut almost all the fat out of your diet to lose weight. I think that is a recipe for disaster! You need fat for satiety and sanity. If you have a meal with no fat, you will be hungry again within 2 hours. By adding more fat that same meal will keep you satisfied for 3-4 hours. A little fat goes a long way! At times, I eat cheese, salad dressings, olives, hamburgers, brats, real pepperoni, rib eye steaks, ribs, etc., and I am leaner now than I was when I ate a diet with 15% fat. You just have to be in control and not overdo the fat. Everything in Moderation!

Lots and Lots of Greens:

Green veggies or lower carb veggies have been a lifesaver for me. They are so low in calories that you can eat until you’re full! Not to mention how great these nutrient packed, earth grown treats make you feel. So eat your greens. At least 2 huge servings a day!

Additional Tips:

Water is considered any non-caffeinated, non-sugared drink.

To speed up weight loss, cut out all treats and omit a serving of carbs.

If you are really hungry, try adding more greens or protein to your diet.

Eating for the right purpose is just a part of my BuffMother! Nutritional plan. If you would like further assistance from me in regards to your diet you can purchase a customized fitness program that includes a nutrition analysis and customized diet plan.

1 comment:

  1. **NOTE**I know BFL, works great for many people. And I think it is a good diet and fitness program.

    On BFL, I didn't succeed for two main reasons

    1. I had big issues with portion control...I like to eat more at each sitting, so if I ate 5-6 times daily, I ended up eating way too much.

    2. It was too low fat and therefore too restrictive on food choices and I was always hungry....I need the fat to have saiety.

    And I can't eat quite so many carbs...4-5 servings/ day is my max if I want results.

    Just wanted to clarify,
