Hi Everyone~ sorry I've been a bad blogger lately, I promise to do better from here on out!!
Let's play catch up a bit starting with last week--I took my first trip to VEGAS ever in my life, whooohooo!! Now that was FUN~
Here is a little rundown on what we did:
Post from 2-7-07
I am home from VEGAS~ and Vacation is OVER! WHAAAA~~ I loved the whole experience and being with my DH was soooo fun!!
We left late Thursday-- had problems with our flights, so we didn't even get to our hotel room until about 1:30am and we were beat~ and went to bed. BUT we made up for that lost night BIG TIME on the rest of the nights, not much sleep during the night.
We shopped, ate, met celebrities, exercised, danced, relaxed and just enjoyed the entire time we had away-- I was amazed at how different Vegas was than I expected. It was much tamer than what everyone portrayed it to be, so that was an interesting surprise.
So Friday- we walked forever and shopped a ton-- although I only bought 2 things a jean jacket and a shirt. DH got some jeans and T's to wear out--so that was tiring-- I am not a shopper and towards the end of that day, I was frustrated and thought "i hate shopping, so why am I shopping on vacation?"...so that was it for our shopping, lol!
That night we went out to eat--very YUMMY-- we ate at Fiamma an expensive italian restaurant--the food was GREAT. Then we went and danced at Studio 54!
The next night was the UFC fights and we had great seats. Thanks to Xyience, we were on the floor about 10 rows away from the cage and mixed in with CELEBRITIES. The fights themselves were not the greatest, probably the worst CARD I have seen in the UFC. BUT, that was okay because the experience was SUPER!! So after the fights was the even more important after party at the Hard Rock's Body English....for which we were VIP's and we met and saw tons of the fighters. Tito Ortiz, Forest Griffin, Silva, Silvia, Rampage Jackson, Josh Burkman, Sam Hogar, Dean Lister, and several others who's names elude me now. It was really fun!!
Then next couple days and nights were fun too...and all in all the vacation was perfect in length and activity. Our flight last night was late again and I am BEAT! so today has not been as productive as I'd hoped, however I am READY to hit life hard again now that I've been recharged.
I plan to wo here this afternoon!
I am so glad I can "come home" to such a cool life.
Love ya,
And this is from 2-8-07:
Re-entry complete
Getting back to life post vacation is interesting--but I think mine is now complete and successful.
Yesterday, I was a tired and today a bit too, but all in all by this afternoon I got things Rollin' back to normal~ BUSY normal life!!
Tomorrow is AMAZINGLY Tia and Layla's 4th Birthday~ I can't believe it has been that long since they were CUT out of my big belly, lol! Oh how time flies and how glad I am that they are in this STAGE and not babies anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love babies, but not the responsibility of having basically 3 at a time (since little GRACIE is only 14 months older than the twins)--oh dear, I can't believe I lived through all of that! BUT GOD had a plan, with out the adversity I suffered there would be no BuffMother and no Rally Room-- that would suck :(
Okay- yesterday I ran outside 3.1 miles and 3 light sprints
Now today- I did a chest dominant upper body workout ran 10 mins on the treddy and then did 3 sets of walking lunges all around the track paired with 20 pushups
here is my lifting:
45x30 warm up
abs- roman chair knee up
crunches on bench
Incline flys
paired with tricep push downs
Cable poseddown bicep curls paired with cable flys
30x10x3 each exercise
wide Cable lat pull downs
50x25 or so reps x3 sets
2 sets knee ups
It felt good to have a good day back at my home gym~
Have a super night!!
So NOW today is Sunday and all the B-day stuff is over, which is good for me! But School is out this week, Darn it! How in the world am I going to get everything done with 4 kids home all day all week? Where there is a will there is a way~
I'll post my POA for the week here in just a few-
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