I am a firm believer in firm LEGS and leaving a great LEGACY!! I want my family to be proud of me while I am here on earth and while I am long gone. I want my actions to leave a lasting positive imprint on my family, friends and even strangers :)
Here is a simple exercise to help you towards living your life with a LEGACY PERSPECTIVE (once again it's an excerpt from my book: Hormonal Timing: Female Fitness Evolved):
Success Tool #6-The 24-HOUR Legacy Test
Imagine that today is your last day on Earth. Your entire legacy will be based solely on the imprints you leave behind TODAY. If you are a mother, your children will model their behavior based on what they see you do or not do TODAY.
That’s right, you have just 24 hours and your children will mimic every imprint you leave behind. They will also pass these imprints on to their children and so on…your legacy from this one day will live on forever in future generations!!!
For this ONE DAY:
What will your attitude be like? Circle one:
Will your children hear you complain?
Will you make excuses all day?
Will you show anger toward anyone?
What will you choose to eat?_________________________________
Will they see you take even 5 minutes to exercise?
Will you hug your children/husband?
How many times will you say “I love you”?
What kind of language will you use?
Will you say things that encourage those around you?
Will your focus be on you or will it be on those you love?
Will you focus on positive things or negative things?
Will you sit on the couch and watch TV?
Will your kids see you drink water? Coke? Beer/wine?
Will they hear you laugh?
Would you take a few minutes to show them how to work hard on something?
Was this 24 hour period extremely different than your normal day? Did the “legacy perspective” have an influence on your thoughts and test answers? You must realize the incredible power you have to influence future generations simply based on the choices you make on a daily basis. Everything leaves an eternal imprint!
Think of the huge payoff here!!! You can have a positive impact on your great, great, great, grandchildren simply by making positive little choices each day. Every good decision you make from today until you die will benefit your family for generations to come. You have TOTAL CONTROL over the most important aspects of your Legacy. Imagine how incredible your life would be if you lived every single day according to your answers on this 24 HOUR LEGACY TEST!!
Today I did Legs at the gym:
Warm up r-bike 12 mins while reading Oxygen
Leg press (both legs)
90x20x2 + 10 calves
180x20x2sets+10 calvesx2sets
One leg at a time seated Leg press
Seated Calves
Smith lunges
Butt squats
Side lunges
one big set of about 50 reps
LOTS of leg stretching in between all the above sets
Walking lunges
Dead lifts
Leg extensions
130x10x2 toes out
150 x10 toes straight
That was it!
Now...to try and relax a bit with my girls...the boys are off doing their thing, so us four are going to hit SAM's Club and maybe somewhere else :)
Keep your LEGACY Perspective~
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