Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Honeysuckle Whiff

On the drive home from busing the kiddos to school I got the most marvelous "Honeysuckle Whiff!!" YUM~ I am in love with honeysuckle!

How are my HOTT MOMMASITA's Today??? I am GREAT!! Just wanted to fly-bye really quick- yesterday my DD, Gracie, who has a chipped molar had to be at the dentist @8 and then again for the filling at 10...So my morning was spent "waiting". I've felt so good the past 3 days, YAY!!

Cycle day 1, 2, and 3!! they seem to be GREAT ones for me- cday 4 is usually a bit more "tired". I've droped 3 pounds (130 to 127) since TOM came and I feel so much leaner already! I'm also still kickin' it in my EVERY DAY IN MAY challenge- I've made it everyday except the 2 when I was sick


Time to HIT IT!! I have 3 weeks left in the "Sexy in 70" contest...and until my Birthday!!!...that's just 21 days!! ARE YOU READY to be SEXY for Summer?? I plan to be!

Today is a big day- thanks to our sweet April Ramirez (www.toffeecreations.net) I have a radio interview at 10 so...I've got to get prepared!
Pray for it to go well and if you get a chance you can listen live or catch the podcast of the show later:


AND let me tell ya, I had a great leg workout yesterday the highlights were:
Squats: 2 sets of 6 reps @`165
Dead lifts 3 sets of 10 @135 including 1 set of conventional form
Leg extensions: 1 set of 10 #170
Leg curls: 2 sets of 8 @90#

I am off to prepare!! PRAY FOR ME please~

Let's rock week #8!!


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