Thursday, November 04, 2010

No Excuses November!

Be winners, not whiners! "NO EXCUSES November" starts today!!
Here are my stats for today and also the last 2 times I took them for comparison

STATS: dates 8/9/10 compared with 8/25/10 and NOW 11-1-10

Please be sure to take these standard 5 measurements:

1.WEIGHT*: 129 in the evening at 7:30 pm... I was 127 yesterday and 128 the day before /halfway= 124.4 at 4pm /right now at picture time 2pm post workout on empty tummy 127.2 on creatine
2.Bust: 36.5 / 35.5/ 37
3.Waist: 26.5 /25/26.5
4.Hips: 36/ 35 /35
5.Thigh: 19.5 /18.5 /19
*be sure to note your CYCLE DAY also!!! It makes a BIG difference!

More detailed Measurements-

Today’s Date:__8/9/10 vs. 8/25/10 vs. 11-1-10______ height:______5-7 (truthfully 5-6.5)_______ weight:____129 vs. 124.4 _/_127.2_____ age:__35_____

Today’s cycle day- 3 vs. 19 vs. 3

Please list the following measurements:
Bust (around breasts the biggest part):36.5 /35.5/37
Chest- relaxed (just under armpits above breasts with arms down at your sides): 33 / 33 /33
Chest- flexed back and chest (just under armpits with arms down at your sides): 37 / 37.5 /37
Waist- relaxed (the smallest part): 26.5 / 26 /26.5
Waist-sucked in (the smallest part):25.5 / 25 /24.5
Hips (the largest part of your butt): 36 / 35 /35
Shoulders (around the outside of your shoulders with your arms at sides): 41 / 41/ 42
Biceps (relaxed at midpoint of upper arm): 10.5 /10 /9.5
Biceps (flexed at midpoint of upper arm): 11/ 11/ 11
Thigh-mid (about 8” above knee cap): 19.5 /18.5/19
Thigh- upper (about 12” above knee cap):21.5 /19.5/ 20
Calf (about 7” below knee joint): 13.5 /13/13

Caliper measurements
*Tricep:6 / 4 /4
*Thigh:8 /7 /6
*Iliac:3 /2/ 2
Abdomen :8 / 6/ 4

Overall awesome to see I have had a postive trend of fat loss and muscle gain since August

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