Saturday, May 11, 2013

Rays of LIGHT!

We've had very little sunshine here this month...the forcast keeps calling for sunshine, but then it's overcast all day or decides to RAIN? BUT today, right now it's sunny!! YAY!!
Today is Day #6 of our contest-- "FEAR of Bulking"?? ~Day #6 HH~
My plan is to enjoy the outdoors for several hours today, then get in a good solid BACK workout + some intervals.  Not sure what the intervals will be except for that they will not be RUNNING.

Yesterday, I did fasted cardio on the upright bike for 25mins; then did some walking and jogging on the treadmill followed by some plyo work- lots of jumping!  Then, I ran hills-- Did them a bit different.  I ran to the bottom of our hill, then up for 1 min/down for 1 min x5 times then upped my recovery time to 2 mins (1walking/1running) in between the final 3 hills.  It was a good fun different way to do it! After the run I did some HIGH KNEES, a few lunges and booty pops in the mirror.
I also tested my hip flexor a bit-- I think it's ready to try sprinting again!!
Yesterday's topic was below the butt!

Thursday got crazy busy so somehow I ran out of time to do my full leg workout-- the good news is that I did get in my HEAVY Squats.  My best set was 175x6 after which I thought- I'm gonna try 185#-- only did it 1time...but IT COUNTS!! My knees and hips can tell I upped the weight.

Have a good one and be sure to share/promote the BuffMother's Day Special!!

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