I will no longer be posting on blogger daily
Sunday Strides:

Sunday has been a rough day for me over the past few months...somehow I have ended up terribly "crabby" on SUNDAYS. Despite my desire for a relaxing day, I have been working myself into a tizzy before we even get to church and be in a rotten mood most of the day.
Last weekend, I decided THIS IS ENOUGH! I am NOT going to be CRABBY on Sundays anymore~or any other day for that matter. I am going to enjoy the journey in my life and not stress the small stuff (mostly housework, lol)...
Long story short: TODAY has been GOOOOOOD :jump:
We went to church this morning, listened to a wonderful sermon about prayer--I needed this! Came home, had lunch, laid out on the trampoline while doing my nails, then got ready for my track wo...as I was about to leave Travis proclaimed he wanted to go too--meaning all the kids would have to go too....So we away we went.
I warmed up 3 laps, streches, drills, etc...
400m=62sec 30, 32 splits
rest 12 mins
400m-63 seconds 31, 32 splits
rest 5 mins
400m- 68 seconds Lactic Acid big time!! 33, 35 splits
rest 12 mins
400m- 68 seconds DYING the entire last 300m!
my HR was still elevated to 120 bpm 35 mins after this workout--I was DEAD!!
Travis also ran his very first EVER 400's and did REALLY Well (he did 3, 2 of them hard)!! Amazing that he is still having "firsts" at the age of 37-- you are never to old to try new things :)
Now it is time to bathe the kids and relax and prep for the week ahead--
My plan is simple
1- continue getting 800m ready, my race is the 31st
2- work on business stuff
Love ya!
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