WE have a new contest in the TEAM BuffMother! Rally Room- the 10 WEEK Quest for CONSISTENCY CONTEST!!!
Often the biggest stumbling block in fitness is lack of CONSISTENCY.
I challenge you to BE CONSISTENT over the next 10 weeks! Shoot to do a "workout" at least every other day that would be 3-4 days a week and if you can CONSISTENTLY do that you will see results!!
There is still time to join we will be Starting May 7th, 2007- go to the Rally Room and the contest will run for 10 weeks!!
To enter and be eligible to win:
you must be a member of the Rally Room
You must take starting stats and final stats(body fat optional)
You must Submit a final summary: a week by week lay out of your consistency (your weekly recaps and poa's), beginning and final stats, pictures(optional) and thoughts about your progress and what you've overcame to be consistent over the last 10 weeks.
Suggested Participation:
Starting pictures and After pictures are recommended
Weekly post your recap of the previous week
Weekly post your POA (plan of attack) for the next week
Weekly do your best to participate in the "weekly MINI challenge"
A panel of 5 judges will pick their top 3 picks for the WINNER based on participation, results, attitude and of course consistency. Each pick (15 little pieces of paper) will be placed in a hat and the winner drawn from there.
1st- A free customized online training package ($199value)
A free year membership to the RR ($89.95 value)

A free thermal BuffMother! shirt ($23.95)
2nd- A free 6 month membership to the RR ($49.95value)
A free thermal BuffMother! shirt($23.95)
Each and every one of you CAN WIN this Contest~ Please participate and let's enjoy the synergy of TEAM BuffMother! working together towards being CONSISTENT!!!!
I am ready to ROCK, How about you??
p.s. here is an example of the weekly consistency report from my last week:
Weekly Consistency Report
M:Chest 20 mins extra steady cardio
T:am intervals; pm Legs
How many weight workouts did I complete:5
How many intervals training sessions did I complete:3 + 1 extra steady cardio
How many days of the week did I workout: 7
What obstacle did I overcome in order to get it done? I was a bit sick on MONDAY
Who did I encourage this week? I encouraged quite a few buffmothers through the RR, and made an effort to respond to several e-mails that were in my inbox
MY POA for week #__0_________- date:__April 30th_________
Plan of attack!!!!
What is my main goal this week with my workouts? to kick it hard!!! so that I can lose 1 more "real" pound this buffing and take some good progress pics on SATURDAY!!
What is my main goal this week in my diet? to BE LOW Carb 3 or less a day and eat a ton of GREENS, yummy!!
How do I see my workouts shaping up this week?
Monday:Back, SH, BI and intervals
Tuesday:Chest/Tri and ABS hard and intervals
Thursday:Back, intervals
Friday:Chest, intervals
And add in some extra steady fasted cardio reading my bible on the bike, it is a good way for me to start my day!
Today I tried to run again, but it was a NO GO...I quite after running around the block once and 1 strider...my knee is still being stupid
So I came in the house and did the stairmaster
8 hard 1 min intervals at level 30: 1 min off at level 22
then I pumped out 10 pull ups (full extension and lift chest to bar)
did abs
I had planned on trying to do back today also, but it didn't work out. That's fine because I am beat and my back is sore from my DL's yesterday.
Well I am off to CHILL in bed and watch some TV.
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