I love the Month of MAY~ it means Summer is on its way and that Spring is ON!
Have any of you ever really celebrated May day? Giving MAY DAY baskets to your neighbors sounds like a great tradition that I've never participated in, lol! Maybe next year I'll try it?
Be sure to have a HAPPY MAY day and take some time today to make some GOALS for MAY...kinda like new years resolutions, but just for the month of MAY....here are some of mine:
*Read my Bible and out of my Joel Osteen devotional daily- good stuff!
*Get taxes done (extensions are great, but you still have to do them eventually)
*Get Helping Hands stuff out of my Garage
*Get my carpets cleaned
*Get my Van a tune up
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday... I had a case of HIF (Hormone Induced Failure) combined with Allergy issues. I feel so much better today! :woohoo: Speaking of HIF~ I have a new article up on BB.com-- check it out "Hormonal Timing"
Yesterday turned into a day of rest from workouts, but far from restful...I had a bunch of errands to run, GG had a soccer game, and GUNZ had a BB game. So it was GO-GO-GO until about 11pm last night.
My plan for today is to attack!!! I am going to go to the gym in just about an hour and HIT IT hard!!! I love the feeling of being excited to workout!!! I plan to be relentless and get in a good leg workout combined with some good ABS and cardio....it should ROCK!!!
Be Relentless~~
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