Friday, May 02, 2008

Thank YOU JESUS that it's FRIDAY!!!

Thank YOU JESUS that it's FRIDAY!!!

What a beautiful day here after a crazy stormy night...we had some STRONG winds and lots of rain. Trampolines were blown all over the neighborhood! Once I got the kids to school this morning I headed for a massage and a chiro adjustment, my back is getting BETTER!!!

Yesterday I did a good workout I rode the r-bike for 20 mins, did legs, then rode for another 20 mins on the r-bike...the rest of the day yesterday I was EXHAUSTED. So today, I came to the re-realization today that doing cardio makes me very sleepy, lol! So I am going go back to limiting my cardio to just intense intervals :)

I just got home from the gym and it was good~
Focused on LIFTING rather heavy and on my big muscles!!!

Cybex Lat pulls

Bicep curls on hammer machine
45x10-15repsx4 sets

Leg extensions

Seated Rows

Lower back extensions no weight 3 sets-- focused a bit on my booty by bending legs slightly

High lat pulls (hammer)
45x10 together+10 singles
70x4 together+6 singles x4 sets

Leg curls

shoulder press machine backwards

That was it!
I am excited to finish out this RELENTLESS Challenge~ just 2 more days- One of which I'll run intervals and one of which I'll lift chest/tris

I plan to take pictures on Sunday or Monday~ we'll see how it shakes out!

Keep rockin'~~~

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