I am back, refreshed and recharged from vacation and I am so pumped up!!
June= GO TIME!!
June is such an amazing month...for me it signifies GO TIME! It is time to get down to business in all the areas of my life that I value. Have you ever really thought about your values? What you value determines who you become in life. I challenge you to this month to blog daily about one of your values or something you value...Personally I know I will grow closer to achieving my dreams by reflecting upon my values. Yesterday in church toward the end of the service my pastor touched on the value of being humble, which prompted me to start listing my values and some things that I value. From this brainstorming list of values, I'll have plenty of great ideas to blog about this month:
humble, grace, committed, play/fun, loyalty, servants, purity, giving, joy, gentleness, nature, peace, patience, kindness, manners, poise, self-control, posture, hard work, finisher, relentless!, affection, quality time, respect, charisma, relationship, excitement, encouragement, praise, obedience, patriotism, forgiveness, family, prayer, competition, challenge….
Today, I'd like to reflect on relationship. We all were made for relationship. God made us so that he'd have someone to interact with, share his thoughts, ideas, passions, etc with…WE only find true joy in life when we are in RELATIONSHIP with others. Relationships take effort, the take time and at times can seem one sided or not worth the effort; but I know that the happiest times in my life have been when I've made that effort and worked hard to be a "relationship" promoter. I need to remember that it is so worth it! My goal this month is to really dive back into the building relationships within the Rally Room and also take time each day to really bond with my kids and husband.
Last week on vacation I did decent on my eating and workouts…I ran hard 3 times and made it to the gym once. I was very happy how well it went!!
BUT now I am on a countdown…my 33rd B-day is 13 days away and I wanna look and feel my BEST! So here is the plan:
Get to the gym an lift 10 times before then and run 8 times…Let the count-down BEGIN~~ tomorrow! I'll have 12 days to get all that done!
GO, GO, GO!!! It's go time!! Let's GO!!
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