Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love & PEACE!

"Love and Peace!!" was my truth hammer today~ and I USED it, lol! Getting back to using my Success Journal the past 2 days has been great! I am invigorated to be prompted to use all my Foundations-- like my TRUTH HAMMER!! I love CRUSHING doubt and problems with positive crushing power of the TRUTH! With the kids home from school today~ continually Thinking and saying "LOVE an PEACE" came in very handy.
Today we lifted BACK, SH and Biceps....then I ran a bit, not too much but enough to loosen up my back.
The lift went like this
Pull ups
11, 6
Lat pulls
Then a few other lifts: High lat pull, seated rows, shoulder press, bicep curls, lateral raises.
It was a good workout considering my sore lower back/hip muscles~WHEW...sitting on the pot today was a chore!!
I've been printing off my 10 week journal and have to admit, I am EXCITED to use it!! I used to always journal by hand, but after being online and blogging so much I've drifted away from doing much on actual paper. The next 10 weeks I plan to fill up my journal and expect that it will be a "keep sake" for me for a long time to come. It's very fun!!
My workout yesterday was good but cut short by a bit of back pain...nothing bad, just I always need to be careful about my back-- so I played it smart and cut the workout a bit short. Next leg day will be a better one. I do have a theory about my back bothering me a bit more over the past week: I think walking may aggravate it. We've been going on "walks" and since then my hips/low back have been really touchy?? It's probably like everything else-- I need to get CONDITIONED to walk~ it's amazing how change=challenge in our bodies.
So the workout went like this:
9 min r-bike
175x4 (with spotter)
45degree hack
90x10 (this is where I knew my back was DONE!)
90x20- short movements focus on glutes x2 sets
Smith lunges
Knee extensions
3 weird sets...the machine I usually use was not there~ so it was sub-spectacular feeling
Hanging sit ups- 1 set
At least my squats felt good and strong...It felt good to get the heavier weights on there.
After lunch we took the kids to the was a good thing~ they have kids books on CD so the 3 girls got some books like that...I hope it will help them learn to read. We also stopped by the store and got steak! I love eating rib-eye after leg workouts~ so I am going to fire up the broiler now!!

Hope you had a lovely peaceful day like me!!


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