Monday, February 07, 2011

Enormously successful "Boosting"~ SSS 2011 day 15/70

HEY!! How was your weekend? mine was busy!! And MAN am I happy to have the house to myself finally today. This SNOW DAY business is cramping my style~ Today it's time to get my house back in order and get rollin' agin before the kid's schedueld winter break comes next week! Oh the joys of year round school! super bowl pick of the Steelers didn't win :( My Hubby and I bet each other a "favor" I now OWE HIM some "favor"...wonder what he'll choose for it??

Last week despite it's trials was a success for my workout and diet goals. I've eaten loads of fruits and veggies- LOVE THEM!! I also got in 5 workout days last week- yay!

Yesterday football practice was canceled again. I went to the gym instead and ran some spints on the indoor track and did drills. I also did some knee extensions.
On Saturday Travis and I worked out together. We warmed up playing catch with the football in the aerobics room and then did upper body lifting followed by a bit more football stuff- we talked about footwork as a defensive player. It was so much fun hanging with him!!

My POA for week #3, my second week of Boosting is to build some muscles!!

M- Legs
Tue- upper body and run on teady
Wed- ?? birthday day- also football practice?? It's supposed to storm tues and wed so we'll see if it gets canceled
Thurs- LEGS
Fri- Back, Sh, Biceps and run
Saturday- Chest/Tris and intervals- not running
Sun- Football

+ 100 lunges daily: Week #3's mini-challenge is one of my FAVORITES!! To do 100 lunges a day takes mental and physical determination~ BUT I know you and I can do it!!!!

An Enormously successful boosting is caused by a good buffing "primer"...I primed nicely this month with an end of buffing photoshoot- and now I've gained weight fast!! TRUST ME it's pretty much all water weight, so it will come off just as fast as it came on...Friday I weighed 127, Saturday I weighed 131 and Sunday I weighed 134...I feel like a bloated pig, lol! Creatine, NO2, salt, more food & carbs have all helped UP my weight. NOW I just need to use it to build muscles!

We have the twin's birthday this week on Wednesday. I can't believe my little tiny babies are going to be 8!! WOW! the time sure has gone by quickly~ in 10 years all my kids will be adults.



FYI~ here's a couple post with buffing and boosting workout poa's:

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