Monday, July 31, 2006

Texas BuffMother Get together!!

HI ladies-
here is a APB calling all BuffMothers in the TX area who'd like to meet up--
Anglea (buffbyjune) one of our Austin BuffMothers writes
"Texas BuffMothers And anyone else who can make it here! Just a reminder -

The Austin NPC is on August 5th. It will be here before we know it.

Let me know if you are planning on coming so I can coordinate a block of tickets. The tickets go on sale on Saturday.

We also need to figure out where to meet, etc so let me know if you are going to be here. Also, we have plenty of room for people to stay. The guest house is better if you arent bringing kids and the main house has room for several families.

Cant wait to meet some more Buff Mothers - Angela"

If you want more info just e-mail me about it


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