Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Leading by actions~

I believe in leading by my in point my workout today. I don't ask my clients to do anything I am unwilling to do myself. SOOOO...Since, I am on the same workout schedule as one of my clients LISA of NE, I decided to do the same workout as her today. The friendly "competition" really helped push me to excel and be relentless! Thanks LISA!

The rest of my day was busy, I came home- worked on my book, then left to bring Gracie to the doctor for her pre-kindergarten physical and shots...she had to have 5! She did good, then I had to get the other 2 girls, went to McD's for a TREAT meal...then to baseball. Last game of the season!! HORRAY! I am excited for tomorrow~ nothing EXTRA on my super full to do list!

Here is my workout
Warm up r-bike 8 mins

Pull ups 12 (pb!),8,6
paired with High knee abs 20x3, plus one set of 40 alternating

lat pulls (cybex close grip)
paired with db bicep curls (alternating)

Seated rows
paired with lateral raises (one arm at a time) twist like dumping a glass out at top

Arnolds (alternating arms)
20x6 too light
25x10 too light again
paired with crunches 15, 20, 20

Bent over lateral raises (pause at top)
Knee ups 20 front, 10-15 each side (3 sets)

13 mins on elliptical then ankle got sore- hard 13 easy 11
finished 7 mins on r-bike- hard 6 easy 5
1 min hard 1 min easy

Sleep tight tonight and keep sucking in those tummys!! mine is sore :)


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    You are such an ispiration!

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    How about I learn to spell...
    You are such an inspiration!
