Saturday, June 21, 2008

Fired up FRENZY!!!

It's a Fired up FRENZY in here!!!
I really value EXCITEMENT! Isn't it fun to be excited? Getting excited doesn't always happen by accident, we have to go after it and stir ourselves up for things. Excitement is one of the coolest emotions...think about how FUN it is to talk to someone who is excited vs. someone who is "blah"...I really value EXCITEMENT!!
Today I am exited for so many things~ I am excited for the sunny weather, for the UFC TUF finals tonight, for the BIG things happening in my work life, for the new contest, for Jess who competes next week!!! I am excited to "play" with my kids now that school is out!!! I am EXCITED!!!!!! ...and I plan to make that excitement visible on my face and through my words and body language--because IT will rub off on others and make them EXCITED TOO!!!!

It is so fun to see all the great excitement to start the contest on Monday~ we are going to have a FUN 10 weeks!!!
I had a great Friday- filled will "to do's"...but I made myself get out for a run last evening and it was perfect!!
Then this morning I went to the gym and did a leg workout~~ I feel GREAT!!!

I have a flight out tomorrow for a Monday Meeting, but I will be checking in and I will starting the contest with all of you!

My Biggest goal is to be VERY involved here in the RR and with personally helping many of you succeed on your quest to be a SuperSTAR Success. I'd like to provide as much information as possible through posting tips, exercises, videos, other goals are mainly MAINTENANCE and overall fitness. I am quite happy with my "look" at moment, but it can always get better :snicker:
AND for me my DIET is always a work in DIET will be key for me these next 10 weeks.

Let's get after it ~
I know we can reach our dreams!!!

***Join the Rally Room!!

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