Thursday, December 29, 2011


HI'dy Ho!!
Change in my book is good yet Change is tough. I am a personality that thrives on change, yet I'm growing a bit tired of it after his past year, lol!! As a family we've changed a lot about our lives in 2011! We basically changed our from being city folk into country bumkins Campfire I feel as if 2011 was a year of transition and 2012 will be the year to DELVE into the wonderful changes that were made. I feel a huge sense of peace as I look forward towards my goals and plans for 2012!!
I've not exactly found a scary goal for my fitness just yet except for an upcoming photo shoot (that I still need to book)... my scary goals seem to be more about business at this point. I've been delving into some uncharted territory recently and it can be a little SCARY!
Speaking of change, I had to change my big workout plans for yesterday. I cut the palm side of my index and middle fingers on my left hand (thankfully not my right hand!!) as we were moving our stove...the bottom of the drawer is SHARP! I figured it'd be smart to let them heal up a bit prior to raising my heart rate to much. Despite it all, I was able to still be productive by finishing some painting in my kitchen yesterday.
The cuts are felling better today and I'll hit the gym to see what I can do with a limited left grip...I should be able to do a mish-mosh of upper body stuff, some abs and a light run.
Hope your day is sunny like mine!! It's supposed to be an above average 61 here today!!!

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