Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fit Skill Set

I am just sitting here watching the birds, the rain and the grass litterally growing in front of my eyes! Everything is suddenly GREEN!  I may even need to mow my lawn this weekend??

CRAZY how quickly seasons change!

Seasons in my life change quickly also! It seems like I am always "adjusting" to the new routine, the new circumstance, a new set of goals or interests.  Life is anything but STATIC!

I take pride in knowing that through all the change I've encountered over the past  almost 10 years I've manage to keep in shape through it all!!  I've been consistently FIT and overall HEALTHY!

I truly hope an pray that YOU too will learn the SKILL set needed to continually stay fit and healthy as you progress through the seasons of your life!  Keeping a constant awareness that your health is not automatic, you must fight for it.  It's a battle!  You can't let your guard down or you'll lose must be on the offensive!

Yesterday, turned out to be a nice day-- I spent the morning organizing things for our Gathering in VEGAS!! I can't wait to hang out and get to know the TEAM BuffMother ladies who are going!! Our goal will be to simply have fun!!

Then yesterday afternoon, I went out on a "Date" with my DD Gracie!  She had a tough orthodontist appt first and then I had a work errand to run, but after that it was all fun!!
We ate at Olive Garden then hit the mall, Target and then Krispy Kreme!  It was a good bonding time in celebration of her STRAIGHT A report card!!
Gracie got some earrings, a bow, 2 lace headbands, 2 pairs of shorts, a shirt and a bikini. I got a hat, some earrings, a purse and 2 ear cuffs.

When I got home I did a mini workout~
Lunges paired with shoulder exercise
5 sets of 20 lunges total; 3 sets lateral raises, 3 sets shoulder press and 1 sets front raises between sets

Please chime in on today's contest post ~
I'm off to get some orders shipped, go get groceries and get in my workout~ I'm hitting the gym for a mish, mosh of back and legs--HEAVY SMITH LUNGES BABY!! Then after school it's off to the races again-- Guitar lessons and Awana.
Let's have STELLAR DAY ladies!!

The Key to your Motivation is to Encourage others!

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